Thursday, December 25, 2014

Choosing to be Happy

One article I recently read on Mind Body Green that resonated with me is this one :7 tips to go easy on the booze this holiday season. I particularly like the fact that it is a CHOICE!  I am CHOOSING not to drink, there is no one with a gun to my head forcing me to not drink, I am choosing to be healthier, choosing to be present, choosing peace, choosing me.  I find it ironic that as someone who has serious issues with being controlled, I have allowed so much of my life to be controlled by alcohol... my friends, the activities I have chosen (think dinner, drinks, more drinks), the hungover days after riddled with guilt, shame, anxiety and worry, and the general amount of chaos I have invited into my life because of drinking.

I also have to say that I am very proud of myself for not drinking today after dropping my daughter off with her dad.  Instead, I took a nap, did some PhD reading(#shootmeinthehead #sofreakingboring), and took the dog for a long walk.  In the midst of my walk, I had a realization, that if I can make it through today, Christmas Day, by myself, without my daughter, and be fine, not just fine, but peaceful and content, I can make it through just about anything. Well, maybe not anything, but I can make it through a lot.  It really comes down to the fact that our circumstances are largely created by the judgements we place upon them, and today, I choose to be happy.

With all that being said, I leave you with this little piece of Pinspiration (read Pinterest + Inspiration)

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