Wednesday, April 15, 2015

31 days!

Today is 31 days alcohol free for me!  This is the longest I have gone without drinking (excluding pregnancy :).  It feels like it has been a bit easier this time, mostly because I have come to terms with the fact that drinking is problematic for me, although I am still yet to embrace the "A-word".

  I am trying to stay out of my head and not overthink things, but to take it one day at a time.  I have had this little itch though in the back of my head, beckoning to me every now and again..."Don't you want a drink?" "Wouldn't a glass of wine be good right now?" "You need to relax - get yourself a drink!"  "You are about to attend your last PhD class E-V-E-R!!!How will you celebrate without alcohol?" "Who will you be friends with if you aren't going to happy hour?"

Tonight I wanted a drink after meeting with a professor to discuss my comps exam and upcoming dissertation, but I didn't - it wasn't a huge effort, as I have nothing to drink here, and I have my daughter (not that that has necessarily stopped me before), but rather an annoyance.  I'm supposed to start working the steps with my sponsor next Wednesday and she says it will all come together then and that life only gets better without drinking, so I'll say Cheers to that with my glass of Trader Joe's sparkling pink lemonade.


  1. YAY!!
    I am so happy for you!
    Yes, it really does get easier and better.
    I still have all of my friends. I just don't drink alcohol today.
    Real friends will support you all the way.
    And real bloggers! :)

    1. You are right about the friends...I went to dinner with some girlfriends Friday night and they were super supportive and said how great it was and how proud they are of me - I think I just had it in my head that it would be weird not drinking.

      Thank you for always being so supportive...your comments always brighten my day and I look forward to reading your posts on your blog - you inspire me for sure!
