Several different topics for musing tonight... First, I met with my dissertation chair this evening and neither cried, nor acted like a hormonal teenager swooning with infatuation over him (how cliche, I know...grad student crush on professor). I can't help but to think this is due in part to my taking ownership of my life (i.e, facing up to drinking issues <especially coming clean to non-drinking therapist>, abstaining, and actually delving into the work of my dissertation). I know it is silly, but I felt so proud walking away from that meeting this afternoon (Backstory to give context to my pride - I have full on cried the last two times I met with said professor, and have also teared up on several other occasions; when not crying or becoming teary eyed, I oscillate to the other extreme of acting like a giddy high school girl giggling at his witty anecdotes and charming him with my scholarly wit - can you say #winning?)
I want to share links to two articles I found this evening. The CNN article discusses the health effects (positive and negative) of alcohol. The article states moderate drinking for women is no more than a glass a day. I don't know about you, but I call that mild drinking - moderate to me would be more like 2 -3 adult beverages daily. The piece that stuck with me was about the negative effects of binge drinking (Defined as four of more drinks for women)..."researchers discovered binge drinkers had bacterial DNA in their bloodstreams, which was a sign bacteria had leaked out from the gut. They also discovered elevated endotoxin presence in the blood, which meant toxins had been released from cells after cell walls were damaged by booze. The consequences: These toxins could lead to fever, tissue destruction and inflammation, which is tied to a host of health problems from cancer to depression."
The second article is from MindBodyGreen and lists three questions to ask yourself about your drinking. Questions are below with my italicized answer following
1- How do you feel after a night of drinking? two words - like shit
2- Are you trying to "achieve" something by drinking? yes - sometimes to relieve social anxiety, sometimes just to have fun and sometimes to take a vacation from myself
3- What kind of people do you attract when drinking? ummmm - probably not the best quality - flashback to previous post on cute 28 year old country boy - I don't think I mentioned that he was arrested for gun trafficking - Good Lord- what the hell was I thinking?!?!
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